Saturday, August 11, 2007

Women and Discrimination

It is interesting to see how women have been discriminated against, not only by men and society, but by other women. Traditionally, women have been taught a subservient role and that it is not proper to be a sexual object of desire, especially if the woman is a doting mother. Thus, women are pressured to conform to both the ideal and its flip side. I find these dual expectations to be very unfair, but it is the reality; I am sure everyone has heard that old saying – “A man wants a lady in public and a freak in the bedroom.”

The next thing that really irritates me is how unfair the laws were in the past towards women. For example, I once read in a book about a white woman who had sexual relations with a black slave, back in the day, and the laws of that time required the woman to be stripped of her rights and forced into slavery. However, a dual standard existed and the law did not apply to a white man and a black woman. I do not like to see women, or anyone for that matter, being treated as objects that can be possessed due to their sex, race, nationality, or gender. It is so unfair and unjust!

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