Thursday, August 30, 2007

Foot Surgery and "un-vacation"

Yesterday I had foot surgery on both of my feet and let me tell ya...ouch! Yesterday was okay, but today is a different story. I had nerve damage (compressed nerve) on my left foot and a bunionectomy on the right foot. I can not do much at all; I crawl to the bathroom, although the doctor gave me crutches it is a challenge and painful to walk. Six weeks of recovery is going to entail a lot of resting, I know.

I have had some help, thank goodness. It is nice to know there are people out there that care about me. I hope everyone has someone as nice as the people that have been looking after me.

My boyfriend and his mother have been helping me. His mom has come up with a bunch of different projects for us to work on during my "un-vacation", when I am able. Since we all know I like to knit, we have a couple knitting projects planned, cooking (which is great because I am not a very good cook), and several other crafty projects. I will post the projects as we complete them.