Monday, February 16, 2009

Beyond the Rainbow






In January 2009, my knitting group and I went to see a musical play at Meadowbrook Theater called, “Beyond the Rainbow”, about Judy Garland’s life. Before I went to the play, I didn’t know what to expect. However, I admire Judy Garland and have watched many movies she was in and not to mention her and I have the same birthday (June 10). The following quote is from my brochure given at the play:

April 23, 1961- The greatest night in show business history.

The incomparable Judy Garland took the stage of Carnegie Hall and as she had done many times before, once again poured her heart out to her devoted fans. As a testament to her “Star Power” the double album of this concert has never been out of print.

The play was just wonderful. The singing was magnificent and how they structured the play was very well done. They had an “older” Judy singing, as she would have in Carnegie Hall, then a “younger” Judy; the look-a-likes were pretty good, as well. It was as if Judy was thinking back to her past. Judy’s life was not easy and she had many ups and downs throughout her life, but she sure had a wonderful voice and a talent like no other.   

The gave a great review about the play that provides much more detail than I have provided.

1 comment:

Verious said...

Sounds like you enjoyed the play.